Introduction to SQL : Oracle

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Durasi Pelatihan : 5 Hari

This course helps you write subqueries, combine multiple queries into a single query using SET operators and report aggregated data using group functions. Learn this and more through hands-on exercises.

Manfaat Pelatihan

This course helps you write subqueries, combine multiple queries into a single query using SET operators and report aggregated data using group functions. Learn this and more through hands-on exercises.

Outline Pelatihan

⦁ Introduction to Oracle Database
⦁ Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
⦁ Learn to Restrict and Sort Data
⦁ Usage of Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
⦁ Invoke Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
⦁ Aggregate Data Using the Group Functions
⦁ Display Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins
⦁ Use Sub-queries to Solve Queries
⦁ 9. The SET Operators
⦁ 10. Data Manipulation Statements
⦁ 11. Use of DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables
⦁ 12. Other Schema Objects
⦁ 13. Control User Access
⦁ 14. Management of Schema Objects
⦁ 15. Manage Objects with Data Dictionary Views
⦁ 16. Manipulate Large Data Sets



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